1. Based on the Bollinger Band indicators

There are many ways to trade with the trend. One of the best ways I found is using a classical trend trading indicator, the Bollinger Bands. The Bollinger Bands is one of my favorite indicators and there are many reasons why I love it and find it reliable but the bottom line is that with the right use of this amazing indicator you can find highly accurate trading opportunities. It is true that the Bollinger Bands could be used also for reversals, but its main purpose and classification is trend trading indicator.
The Triple B project since its first days was fully based on Bollinger Bands. And with the experience I gained, I found the best ways to apply the Bollinger Band in a VERY special way, for higher accuracy trading and better probabilities opportunities.
What you get in the Triple B PRO version is the latest and the best of our trading techniques. The Bollinger Bands “cloud” we’ve created will appear in pre-analyzed trending market conditions and will provide you with a “ready-to-trade” opportunities.
The Triple B project since its first days was fully based on Bollinger Bands. And with the experience I gained, I found the best ways to apply the Bollinger Band in a VERY special way, for higher accuracy trading and better probabilities opportunities.
What you get in the Triple B PRO version is the latest and the best of our trading techniques. The Bollinger Bands “cloud” we’ve created will appear in pre-analyzed trending market conditions and will provide you with a “ready-to-trade” opportunities.